Welcome to Making Tax Sense
Welcome to Making Tax Sense

Our world was changed upside down during the first quarter of 2020.  The second and third quarter was just a waiting game as we saw how this virus progressed. But now that we know that the virus is here to stay and we need to understand the steps to take to prevent the spread now we move forward and make the decisions and choices to set our life back and track and complete all the amazing goals we had set for ourselves.  I don’t plan on wasting any more months on Netflix and watching the progression of this virus.  I know I will move forward and will enjoy and thrive in this last quarter of 2020!

Most people think of November and December and think I don’t have to do anything else for the rest of the year.  After Halloween everyone thinks it’s all over, it’s celebration time for the next few weeks.  The holidays are rolling around and it’s time to relax, celebrate, and overspend.  I challenge you to stop and take a new approach to the last few weeks of the year.  

Let’s have a plan for the last 60 days of 2020.  Set a spending plan, what events you will attend, and how much eating you will do.  Who wants to start the new year in debt, a few pounds heavier and regretting your decisions from the past few weeks.  

If you’ve been following me for the past few weeks, you should have a budget in place.  You should know where you have been overspending and cutting the fat from your budget, and lastly you should be saving 10% of your budget.  Let’s start with a health goal for the next few weeks.  

First, move 30 minutes every day.  If that means going for a run, or doing an exercise video, or do something fun for your life.  Get it done.  Moving your body means changing your mind.  I know you may think it is not but it truly is.  I never realized until recently how important it is to move your body so you can think outside of what you want to do.

Second, drink lots of water.  What, I know what you are thinking, what does this have to do with a challenge but it does.  You need to take a physical goal so you can see a change in your life.  We dealt with the trauma, mindset, and finances these past few weeks.  Now it’s time to feed your brain so it is working at optimum levels the next few weeks.  You got this! 

Tiny little steps forward, done with consistency will change your entire life.  Believe me, stick with it and you will not regret it.  Your motivation will be done within a few days but if we remain consistent you will do awesome!  

I am super excited to do this with you. It’s going to be so awesome.  

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