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The Importance of Having the Right Attitude

Today, I want to talk about attitude.  It took me years to realize the importance of having the right attitude.  It doesn’t matter how much aptitude you have if you have a bad attitude, you will be unsuccessful.  Most people with a bad attitude do not realize how destructive they are.  They are full of […]

Tips on How to Improve Your Life by Having the Right Mindset

Mindset plays one of the biggest roles that may affect people’s life. Sometimes it may help you determine your success. “For every success, there is always FAILURE.” This means that for every successful person, there are underlying failures that they overcome. Mindset stems from the difference between who you are and who you want to […]

Starting The Journey of Getting Financially Fit

 I started my financial independence journey in 2016.  I was a single mom, working a fulltime job, making a good salary, and was still drowning in debt and spending like I made a million dollars a year.  Everything I wanted, I went and charged it.  I had a pension from my job I figured I […]