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Debt Elimination Classes

Debt Elimination Classes

We have an excellent debt elimination program for our clients called War on Debt. If you feel overwhelmed by your credit card and other monthly payment obligations, you need a debt elimination program that really works. Americans now have the highest credit card debt in history. According to a report released by the Federal Reserve, Americans had over 1 Trillion dollars in outstanding revolving credit in June 2017. As of September 2017, the U.S. is reported to have exceeded $20 trillion in national debt. The phenomenon of indebtedness in the United States would be considered an epidemic by any standard. Because the banks have kept interest rates low, an entire generation has not developed the habit of saving money. Stagnant earnings, inflation, shortened work weeks, living beyond one’s means, and irresponsible use of credit cards has put many Americans into an economic tailspin.

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Consider the following facts:

  • America is the richest country in the world, yet, ironically, we have the highest percentage of people living paycheck to paycheck. A recent study from AC Nielsen revealed that about one in every four Americans say they don’t have any spare cash. Kiplinger
  • Approximately 35 million Americans pay only the required minimum “as low as 2 percent” of their balance each month. Frontline, Aired on PBS
  • Roughly 2 to 2.5 million Americans seek the help of a credit counselor each year, mostly to avoid bankruptcy. Georgetown University
  • The size of the total consumer debt grew nearly five times in size from 1980 ($355 billion) to 2001 ($1.7 trillion). Consumer debt in 2012 reached an all-time high at $2.7 trillion. Federal Reserve Statistics
  • The average household in 2012 carried nearly $7,055 in credit card debt. Federal Reserve Statistics
  • Britain’s personal debt is increasing by ~ £1 million every 5 minutes. CreditAction.org.ukuk
  • Address Art Street 235 Newyork ,USA.
  • dalyn@makingtaxsense.com
    (860) 580-6535

Visit us on Facebook to register for the next
War on Debt class. You will learn….

  • How to pay off your debt without making any more money than you do right now
  • How to use the simple debt elimination chart to keep track of your personal War on Debt
  • Step by step instructions to bring your accounts down to zero
  • A proven debt annihilation formula that has already helped thousands of people pay off millions of dollars in debt
  • The difference between wise and foolish spending
  • How to uncover excess spending and use that money to quickly pay down your high interest accounts
  • The reasons why it is so important to get out of debt now before economic instability topples your life