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Welcome to Making Tax Sense

The Game Plan 2021

The year 2020 have ended, and we all know that it has not been a good year. We have experienced typhoons, earthquakes, volcano eruptions and the direst of all, Covid-19 which becomes a Pandemic. 

Everything is unstable. Will I still have a job tomorrow? Will I be ok? How can I pay off my debt? You will begin to question your future. These questions will be difficult to find solutions if you have a Let us be positive and remove negative mindset. We need to clear any negative thoughts and start being optimistic that way, we find the best solution easily

Here are the tips that you can do to improve your positive mindset

  1. Meditation

Meditation will aid you in improving your psychological balance and will help you focus more. You can meditate by:

  • Sitting in a quiet place
  • Closing your eyes
  • Breathe gently
  • Letting go of any distractions

Incorporating these steps in your morning activities and see the benefits. You will start seeing the result by having a better focus and concentration by:

  • Reduce stress
  • Improves your emotions. 
  • Meditation will let you clear your mind from any distractions and negativity.

2. Exercise

Exercising for at least 30 minutes a day can help start-up your brain. It will help keep your thinking and judgment sharp. Below are some other benefits of good exercise:

  • Aid in weight management
  • Reduce the risk of respiratory illnesses
  • Improves memory and brain function

A simple brisk walking for 30 minutes is enough to make you sweat and of course, before doing any exercise it is always better to stretch your joints and muscles. Staying fit will make you strong and keep you away from any illnesses and stimulates your brain

Being emotionally ready; Failures and disappointment will always be a part of our daily lives. Being  emotionally prepared for this kind of scenario will aid in accomplishing your goal. 

When you are emotionally prepared you will be able to think straight if things do not go your way and be able to bounce back immediately at the same time it will prevent you from giving up.

Below are the things that you may need to ask yourself or do to help you prepare.

  • Ask yourself, how do you cope with stress? What can you do if you fail?
  • Ask yourself what could you have done differently from the past years?
  • Should you make mistakes, be accountable to it and learn from it.

Having the right mindset will help you achieve and help you focus on your plans. Now that we have prepared, it is time to work on our goal. Let us improve our brains by learning and trying new things, do not be afraid to go beyond your comfort zone. If things do not go well then make it part of the experience and learning. Lastly, do not give up!