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The Importance of Having the Right Attitude

Today, I want to talk about attitude.  It took me years to realize the importance of having the right attitude.  It doesn’t matter how much aptitude you have if you have a bad attitude, you will be unsuccessful.  Most people with a bad attitude do not realize how destructive they are.  They are full of ungratefulness, trauma, and hurts.  It is sad to see individuals in this state because they are poisoning their future but they need to understand that they need to deal with their traumas and hurts so they can move forward and be blessed.  

I never realized how traumas look until one day I received a picture from God.  I was in the middle of the worst hail storm I had ever been in.  In the matter of seconds all my plants were destroyed, my car, and the roof on my home.  It lasted about 30 minutes. After the storm, I looked at my plants and they were all destroyed.  My daughter and I decided to restore them.  We went and purchased new pots and soil.  We re-potted them and they looked so bruised.  My youngest daughter started talking to them and wanted them to get healthy again.  At that moment, God showed me that this is exactly how many of us look after trauma.  We are bruised internally and we need to be repotted in our heart and soul so we can heal from that trauma and grow again.  It was so powerful, I cried as I realized how hurt we all looked inside.  

Whatever your trauma is, you need to look inside and take the steps to heal.  First, see a counselor, don’t allow trauma to stay in your life and continue to hurt you.  Work through this with a professional.  You do not need to be hurting to this level and feeling condemned for the rest of your life.  Second, surround yourself with positive individuals who will help you stop your cycle of trauma and work through this.  Third, take the time to have peace with yourself and learn to love yourself.  Don’t go into negative self-talk.  You are an amazing person and truly only deserve the best.  Take the time to heal from the trauma you have experienced.  You deserve an amazing life. 

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