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Welcome to Making Tax Sense

Week 2 of the Last 60 Days Challenge

I hope you are all committed to moving your body at least 30 minutes each day, and you are all drinking plenty of water. Today we will focus on planning for decluttering and cleaning out your home in preparation for hosting Holiday celebrations through the last 60 days of the year.    

Let’s also take a moment to get the house ready for the Holidays and having company.  

Step 1-Declutter your home. Often, we don’t realize the disorder surrounding us with junk, piles of magazines and newspapers, and piles of just crap that we move from one end of the house to the other. My rule of thumb is if you haven’t used it in 6 months or more, donate it or give it away.  

Step 2-After you have decluttered, now let’s do a deep clean and refresh those wonderful Holiday decorations! If you need a refresh on your Holiday decorations, start with Dollar Tree finds, and Goodwill finds. If you pair items with older decorations, it can give an old item a new look.  

Step 3-Let’s plan your activities for the next 60 days. Plan now for your Thanksgiving Dinner, your multiply Friendsgiving activities, your company Christmas Party, your Friends and Family Christmas Parties, your Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Activities. Don’t let it be a surprise. List out each activity you are planning on attending, doing you have to plan for a food budget and/or a gift. Don’t let it be a surprise. The more control you have over your spending during these last 60 days, the happier you will be in the new year.  

Step 4 – If you are hosting the activities. Plan for a simple food budget.  I am a huge believer in Pot Luck Dinners – it really allows us to share the costs and allows us to share the responsibilities. Stick to your budget; you aren’t going to change anything.  

Step 5 –Have fun!  Go to activities and spread joy around but don’t over-commit your schedule. Plan your shopping days as well as your rest days. The last thing you want is for celebrations not to be joyous because we are stressed. This goes against what we really want.  

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