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¡Cómo ahorrar $ 1000 en 2022!

¡Un nuevo año significa una nueva resolución! Muchas personas hacen resoluciones para ahorrar dinero o hacer dieta, pero no muchas de ellas las cumplen. ¡Pero no se preocupe por fallar esta vez porque le daremos algunos métodos simples para ayudarlo a lograr este objetivo! Todo lo que se necesita es un poco de planificación y […]

How to Track Expenses in 3 Easy Steps and Never Fail at Budgeting Again?

Saving money starts with tracking your expenses. It is easy to lose track of your expenses when you are not aware of them. It could be anything from a busy schedule to poor personal finance habits. Whatever it is, failing to track expenses leads to a lot of wastage. In this article, we will be […]

The Game Plan 2021

The year 2020 have ended, and we all know that it has not been a good year. We have experienced typhoons, earthquakes, volcano eruptions and the direst of all, Covid-19 which becomes a Pandemic.  Everything is unstable. Will I still have a job tomorrow? Will I be ok? How can I pay off my debt? You will begin […]

Week 2 of the Last 60 Days Challenge

I hope you are all committed to moving your body at least 30 minutes each day, and you are all drinking plenty of water. Today we will focus on planning for decluttering and cleaning out your home in preparation for hosting Holiday celebrations through the last 60 days of the year.     Let’s also take a moment […]

Our world was changed upside down during the first quarter of 2020.  The second and third quarter was just a waiting game as we saw how this virus progressed. But now that we know that the virus is here to stay and we need to understand the steps to take to prevent the spread now […]